My karaoke song selection and why


Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hello everybody welcome back to our beloved blog. Maybe you can’t wait for this one. Yeah, this time we will discuss about song that we often hear. You must have certain reason for choosing your favorite song. The songs that you like must be describes about your mood, your feelings, or your personality. But, in here I will tell you a little bit about all that. Speaking of song, I like many songs, start with pop, jazz, acoustic, and reggae. But the one that I love the most is acoustic songs.

Why acoustic? You must be asking why, the reason that I like acoustic song is it makes me feel relax and can clear my mind from stress and of course it is enjoyable to hear. Acoustic has certain characteristic that the others don’t have. Acoustic just use guitar, bass, viola, piano, and cajon. I really love songs in acoustic genre. I want to tell you what is acoustic. Acoustic is a musical instrument whose sound is not electrically enhanced or modified, an acoustic players needs a lot of exercise to produce a beautiful song. Acoustic has some subdivision such as
Musical acoustics
Architectural acoustics
Underwater acoustics
Medical ultrasonics

That is a few story about acoustic. I hope this article will be helpful for you. I apologize if there’s a wrong words in the article. Thank you
Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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